Forgiveness lessons from old magazines

The story was about a family seeking justice. It wasn't primed on the front page but had an entire page to it with pictures,statistics and expert advice. It deserved a feature or prime time exclusive coverage during news bulletin. After going through it and gaping at the facts being revealed I checked the date of the magazine and chuckled. It was from three years back. Perhaps the family gave up the pursuit or maybe they eventually found it. 

I am an avid reader that is broke but has enough attention to pay to most if not all written works. I get glued to small work even orbirtuaries. I am thirsty for information. But I choose to think of it perspective of forgiveness. Regardless of the date I still read. In relevance and lacking I still read. In detail or not,I still read. In clarity or blur,I still read. 

I have always struggled with forgiveness. Find a place in your heart.,I lack that place no lie. I take things to heart which sources hurt and pain. Magazines and newspapers teach me to accommodate and understand that regardless of the date the story is still as it is. It may not attract the much attention it did when it was fresh but that doesn't change the plot or intent of the writer. If I choose to ignore a story because of how it's dated,it doesn't change a character or twist there of. 

May you learn to read a story that interests you without disregarding it because of it's date. Forgive even before you get apologies. In reading you get to know,you become enlightened. Likewise when you forgive you're eased.Grab an old copy today lovelies.


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