
Showing posts from September, 2020

Death on terms

Welcome to my party,the ocassion is pity,pity party. Make a point of putting on black while reading this,I wrote it in black ink,seated on a black chair wearing an all black ensemble. Not that I was sad much, no. I am a big fan of black as a colour and writing about death in a black environment makes me want to go on and on. Did I mention that I am a black woman,properly tanned?  As a writer an idea pops in your mind and you pick a notebook and pen and want or rather begin to write. Midway through you realise perhaps you would have done the article justice if you had researched on it. Then you're tempted to stop midway and curse the thought of starting it in the first place. Totally missing the point you can end up with what looks to your eyes as a shitty piece below what you are as a writer. This is the story of my life and I hope in my writing I don't sound as inexperienced as the draft sounded.  Death isn't talked about much. Open discussions about death are weird to mos

Bad friend diary

Friends,welcome to my little ted talk that I am almost certain you won't learn a thing from. That however shouldn't be reason to zone you out,come on. You need something you can relate to after a long week of chasing paper,some love or whatever the chase was about. Sigh out loud and sail on. It's a warm Saturday evening,or perhaps the warmth was just on me. What do you expect after looking  hot the entire day?Carrying around looks this good is such a struggle folks. If you think I am not hot then you're lost honestly or you just don't have taste for the finer things in life. If I wasn't into writing I am certain I'd be a great stand up comedian who makes you want to sit down and as a friend I am that and much more. I am either extra or not.  So back to that Saturday when my friends want to go out,not like I was anywhere close to them when they were planning this but I was in their mind like a chaperone or something. I am not a totaller* but I am very specifi